Instructions To Authors

Instructions To Authors


Journal of Pharmacology and Biomedicine (J Pharmacol Biomed) is a quaterly peer reviewed journal aiming to publish quality research articles, reviews and general articles in the field of pharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics, biomedicine and drug delivery & analysis. J Pharmacol Biomed is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of basic research/clinical studies related to the field of pharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics and biomedicine. J Pharmacol Biomed provides an inducive platform for exchange of latest scientific information in precise way to achieve timely publication of information and novel ideas.



ALL manuscripts submissions must be made through the journal's website either online or by email to the editorial office at Manuscripts must be in English, typewritten using Arial or Times New Roman fonts only, and double-spaced throughout, including references, tables, and figure legends, with at least 1 inch (25 mm) margins. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their manuscripts reviewed for grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and punctuation. Once manuscript preparation is complete, convert the text and figure files (but not supplemental data) into a single word file (.doc, .docx).



Manuscripts should contain the following sections in the order listed. Each section should be titled and begin on a new page. All pages should be numbered consecutively.

1. Title page. This should contain the complete title of the article, the names of all authors and affiliation of all the authors The name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

2. Abstract. The abstract should be structured and concisely present the hypothesis being tested, general methods, results, and conclusions. Abstracts of more than 250 words will not be accepted. Key words: Provide 3-5 keywords which will help readers or indexing agencies in cross-indexing the study. The words found in title need not be given as key words.

3. Visual/Graphical Abstract (Optional). In addition to a text abstract, authors may submit a visual or graphic abstract that is intended to catch a reader’s attention and provides a quick visual impression of the gist of the article.  The graphic must be 440 pixels wide by 350-365 pixels tall, saved as RGB.  TIFF or PDF file formats are preferred.

4. Introduction. This section must contain a clear statement of the aims of the work or of the hypotheses being tested. A brief account of the relevant background that supports the rationale of the study should also be given.

5. Materials and Methods. Authors must affirm that original studies in animals have been carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for Animal Handling and Experimentation and were approved by the Institution’s Animal Care and use Committee or local equivalent.  For investigations involving human subjects, authors must affirm that they have been carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board(s) or equivalent ethics committee.  For multisite studies, all IRBs must be in agreement.
This section should contain explicit, detailed, and concise descriptions of all new methods or procedures employed. Descriptions of methods must not only be sufficient to enable the reader to judge the accuracy, reproducibility, and reliability of the experiment(s) but also to be able to reproduce the results. The name and location (city and state or country) of commercial suppliers of chemicals, reagents, and equipment must be given. Sources of compounds, reagents, and equipment not available commercially should be identified by name and affiliation here or in the Acknowledgments section. The chemical identity or structure of novel drugs or research compounds must be provided. The structures of novel biologic agents must also be provided, at the level of current knowledge.   Report the source of cell lines.
For animal experiments, authors should report the source, species, strain, sex, age, randomization, blinding, and husbandry of the animals. Report the strain characteristics of genetically engineered animals including generations of back-crossing, or percentage of contributing strains if genetic analysis was performed. In vivo studies and studies using primary cultures of cells or tissues from animals or humans must state the sex of the experimental subjects or tissue donors in the Materials and Methods section. The designations "mixed" or "unknown" should be used as appropriate when the sex cannot be determined (e.g., embryonic or early postnatal cultures, cell lines immortalized from a mixed culture, previously completed experiments for which sex was not documented).

6. Results. Contained in this section are the experimental data, with no discussion of their significance. Results are typically presented in figures or tables, with no duplication of information in the text. If a table or figure includes less than four values, the data should be presented in the text rather than as a separate table or figure. Magnitudes of variables reported should be expressed in numerals. Generally, units are abbreviated without punctuation and with no distinction between singular and plural forms (e.g., 1 mg, 25 mg). Data should be presented in a quantitative manner where possible, with descriptive statistical measures.  Report not only the statistical tests used but also the exact value of N for each group. Statistical probability (p) in tables, figures, and figure legends should be expressed as *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001. For second comparisons, one, two, or three daggers may be used. For multiple comparisons within a table, footnotes italicized in lower case, superscript letters are used and defined in the table legend.
All data upon which the conclusion of the paper rely must be made available upon request (where ethically appropriate) during consideration of the manuscript and to members of the scientific community thereafter.

7. Discussion. Conclusions drawn from the results presented are included in this section. Whereas speculative discussion is allowed, it must be identified as such and be based on the data presented.

8. Acknowledgments. The Acknowledgments section is placed at the end of the text. Personal assistance is noted here. Financial support is acknowledged.

9. References. References are cited in the text by giving the first author's name (or the first and second if they are the only authors) and the year of publication (e.g., Ruth and Gehrig, 1929; McCarthy, 1952; or Kennedy et al., 1960). In the reference list, the references should be arranged alphabetically by author and not numbered. The names of all authors should be given in the reference list. If reference is made to more than one publication by the same author(s) in the same year, suffixes (a, b, c, etc.) should be added to the year in the text citation and in the references list. Journal titles should be abbreviated as given in the National Center for Biotechnology Information U.S. National Library of Medicine catalog.  References to personal communications, unpublished observations, and papers submitted for publication are given in parentheses at the appropriate location in the text, not in the list of references. Only papers that have been officially accepted for publication may be cited as "in press" in the reference list. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. The format for journal article, chapter, book, and publish-ahead-of-print journal article references is as follows:

Journal Reference: Fricks IP, Maddileti S, Carter SRL, Lazarowski ER, Nicholas RA, Jacobson KA, and Harden TK (2008) UDP is a competitive antagonist at the human P2Y14 receptor. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 325: 588-594.

Book Reference: Wilson JH and Hunt T (2008) Molecular Biology of the Cell: A Problems Approach, 5th ed. Garland Science, New York.

Chapter in Book Reference: Kappas A (2002) Development of heme oxygenase inhibitors for the prevention of sever jaundice in infants: studies from laboratory bench to newborn nursery, in Heme Oxygenase in Biology and Medicine (Abraham NG, Alam J, and Nath KA eds) pp 3-17, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.